K/1 Boys
Game Schedule
Date | Time | Field Number | Team 1 - Blue | Team 2 - Gold |
9/7 | 8:00 AM | 5 | Newhall Fever | Kickers |
9:00 AM | 5 | Rockets | Champions | |
10:00 AM | 5 | Rockets | Boxcar Boys | |
9/14 | 8:00 AM | 5 | Boxcar Boys | Champions |
9:00 AM | 5 | Newhall Fever | Kickers | |
10:00 AM | 5 | Newhall Fever | Rockets | |
9/21 | 8:00 AM | 5 | Champions | Newhall Fever |
9:00 AM | 5 | Kickers | Boxcar Boys | |
10:00 AM | 5 | Kickers | Rockets | |
9/28 | 8:00 AM | 5 | Champions | Rockets |
9:00 AM | 5 | Champions | Kickers | |
10:00 AM | 5 | Newhall Fever | Boxcar Boys | |
10/5 | 8:00 AM | 5 | Newhall Fever | Champions |
9:00 AM | 5 | Boxcar Boys | Kickers | |
10:00 AM | 5 | Boxcar Boys | Rockets |
Fall 2024 Coaches
General Info
Age: K/1 Grade
Field Number: 5
Note: Heading the ball is not allowed
Number of Players: 4 on 4
Ball Size: 3
Field Size: 15 X 30
Goal Size: Pop up goals will be used
All games will be played at: Van Horne Rec Complex (300 10th St. Van Horne 52346)
Uniform: Soccer shoes are recommended. The type and condition of cleated shoes must be inspected for safety before use. No front spike allowed. Must wear shirt provided by BYSA and black shorts are preferred. Shin guards are mandatory, and must be covered by the socks provided by BYSA. Players MUST wear the correct color socks and jersey. Socks cannot be mixed, white, purple, orange etc. No Jewelry is allowed at all, boys or girls.
Substitutions: Between periods, at halftime and for injuries.
Playing time and duration: No player should play four periods until everyone has played three periods. Periods are 4, 8 minute quarters with a 6 minute half time.
Only one coach on the field for each team. Additional coaches must remain on the sidelines. These fields are barely big enough for the 8 kids, so just one coach on the field per team. No goalies should be “manning” the goalie area. We all agreed that two defenders can be left in the back filed, but no one in the goalie box.
Official: One or both of the coaches should “officiate”. The games are intended to be an opportunity for the very youngest of our players to experience the fun of playing. The barest of minimum rules are needed and should be applied with a generous amount of flexibility. Let the players have the freedom to play with minimum interruption.
Coaches must stress that players sit on one side of the field, fans on the other. Players should be encouraged to sit with their team during the game, not the audience